Ryan Aussie Smith, "Voted #1 Creamiest voice on Twitch 3 years running," is serializing the Bram Stoker Award Finalist Bitter Suites by Angela Yuriko Smith. You can find Bitter Suites free to read on Kindle Unlimited here.
To begin, let's book a stay at the Bitter Suites, a hotel that specializes in renewable death experiences. Whether you schedule your demise as therapy, to bond with a loved one or for pure recreation, your death is sure to give you a new lease on life. Renewable death is always beneficial… at least to someone. Let's explore, shall we?
Smith regularly streams to Twitch as Aussiemanplays: twitch.tv/aussiemanplays.
Aussiemanreads, is sponsored by Authortunities, a weekly calendar of author opportunities. You can subscribe at authortunities.substack.com.
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